Par gamme d’histoires, nous entendons simplement une liste d’histoires regroupées selon un attribut commun (par exemple : auteur, mouvement, période). ĭans cet article, nous décrivons la manière dont le test hypergéométrique peut être employé pour déterminer si un thème d’intérêt donné se produit dans une gamme d’histoires à une fréquence qui est plus élevée que ce à quoi on s’attendrait avec le hasard. A related R Shiny web application can be found at. The hypergeometric testing approach to theme enrichment analysis is implemented for the Star Trek thematic dataset in the R package stoRy. As a proof of concept, we use the hypergeometric test to analyze the Star Trek stories for enriched themes. Furthermore, we introduce here a toy dataset consisting of 280 manually themed Star Trek television franchise episodes. A storyset is said to be “enriched” for a theme with respect to a particular background storyset, when the theme is identified as being significantly over-represented by the test. The test works roughly as follows: Given a background storyset and a sub-storyset of interest, the test determines whether a given theme is over-represented in the sub-storyset, based on comparing the proportions of stories in the sub-storyset and background storyset featuring the theme. By a storyset we mean simply a list of stories defined according to a common attribute (e.g., author, movement, period).

In this paper, we describe how the hypergeometric test can be used to determine whether a given theme of interest occurs in a storyset at a frequency more than would be expected by chance.